Wednesday, January 4, 2012

LCM by the NUmbers: 2009-Present, All inclusive Cesarean Birth Rate

This week, we have been presenting Local Care Midwifery's MANA Stat data. For a practice's delivery rates, MANA Stats only counts clients who start labor with a practice. This means that women who transfer to a hospital practice because a medical condition such as extreme high blood pressure, pre-eclampsia or for an induction due to extreme post dates are not included. Both emotionally and intellectually, it seems to us that all clients in that  are under our care when delivery or induction is indicated should 'count'  in the statistics. We call this the inclusive delivery rate. 

SInce our start in 2009, LCM has had a total of 5 Cesarian births for all of our clients. This gives us an inclusive Cesarian rate of 7%, or conversely, a vaginal delivery rate of 93%. This puts us well within the World Health Organization's recommended C/S rate of 5-15%. This show that evidenced base midwifery care is alive and well in the Capital District of NY. It goes without saying that our moms, partners and babies that need a hospital birth, whether for a vaginal or surgical birth, still have LCM beside them the whole way, for labor, birth and especially for postpartum care.

May all babies be born into loving hands... 

 K. Michelle Doyle, CNM, NYS LM

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