GestatingFor the last eight months I have been gestating, gestating a creative and collaborative endeavor. My website has been growing and changing, contracting inwards and stretching out. From conception to completion, each of three distinct stages took their own self determined time. And like a human pregnancy gone full term, the end couldn't come soon enough. Even the final pushes seemed agonizingly slow : "I think we are ready! Oh, wait, the email link." "Surely we are going to deliver this to the server today. Oh, the slideshow photos need resizing."
Many hands and minds went into this creation. Elisa Sheehan of Lis Designs in Saratoga Springs was the creative graphic design force. The elegant grace and quirky fun is all her doing. Content was originally created by me, greatly expanded by Johanna Holmes, reshaped and edited by Amy Halloran, Alison Doyle and also myself. Kevin Doyle patiently came to the computer for innumerable requests of "Could you look at this?" Simpson Square Media Group, also in Saratoga, did the programming, hand holding, brow wiping and the actual delivery, handing my baby to its new server.
From conception to delivery, eight months. I now present to you my baby, Local Care
MichelleMay all babies be born into loving