May all babies be born into loving hands...
K. Michelle Doyle, CNM, NYS LM
Dear NY Midwifery Supporter,
As you most likely know, we have been working closely with midwives and midwifery supporters across the state to urge legislators to move the Midwifery Modernization Act (New York State bill S5007/A8117-a) to a full floor vote. We are entering the last week of this legislative session, and therefore a very crucial moment.
Some highlights so far:
· We had a wonderful Lobby Day in April with a record number of participants, legislative visits, and overwhelming consumer support
· Consumers created an amazing website,
· An online petition for the MMA has received over 4,600 signatures
· The bill was voted out of the Higher Education Committee in both the Senate and Assembly and is now eligible for a full floor vote
· We have an incredible number of co- and multi- sponsors in both houses
· Despite a statewide focus on budget issues, our bill has continued to get attention from the media and legislators
· The American College of Nurse Midwives (ACNM) issued a press release urging passage of this legislation
· Our sponsors, Assemblyman Richard Gottfried and Senator Thomas Duane, have committed to making this a priority issue
A big thank you to everyone who has worked hard to move this legislation forward! If you have not already done so, please contact your legislators and urge them to bring this bill to a full vote immediately! This is our last week and our last chance for this legislative session.
There is a wealth of information about the MMA on our website. Visit Please consider joining NYSALM as an associate member or donating to the cause if you can. Visit
Reply to this letter or give us a call at 518.852.7965 for more information.
In the midwifery spirit,
Laura Sheperis, CM, MS
NYSALM President
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