Debra Goodman's New Class Schedule. Sign Up soon!
May all babies be born into loving hands...
K. Michelle Doyle, CNM, NYS LM
Here is the schedule for Spring & Summer classes! Reserve your spot now!
The Pregnancy Workout
Postpartum Class Refresher
Core Stability
The Bradley Method of Natural Childbirth
Growing With Yoga
Infant Massage
The Pregnancy Workout with Debra Goodman, MSPT
This is the ultimate prenatal/postpartum fitness program. In this class, women will learn the fundamental exercises to feel great during and after pregnancy. Women will stay fit during pregnancy, prepare for labor and delivery, and learn rehab skills for postpartum.
Time: Wednesday, 6:30-7:45 pm
Date: Spring Session: 4/28/10—6/2/10; Summer 1: 6/16/10—7/28/10 (No class 6/23/10); Summer 2: 8/4/10—8/25/10
Location: 17 Computer Drive East, #17A, Albany, NY 12205
Cost: Spring & Summer 1: $135, Summer 2: $90, Space is limited.
To Register: or (518) 944-0314
Postpartum Class Refresher
This one time class is an opportunity for new moms to review the exercises learned in the Pregnancy Workout program and get a jump start on postpartum rehab. Babies are welcome!
Time: 9:15—10:45am
Date: Friday, 4/23/10
Location: 17 Computer Drive East, #17A, Albany, NY 12205
Cost: $25
To Register: or (518) 944-0314
Core Stability with Debra Goodman, MSPT
It’s time to get strong and have fun at the same time! This class utilizes physioballs, foam rollers, and bands creating a challenging workout for the whole body! Guys, you are welcome to this one…
Time: Wednesdays: 5:20-6:15pm
Date: Session: 4/28/10—6/2/10; Summer 1: 6/16/10—7/28/10 (No class 6/23/10); Summer 2: 8/4/10—8/25/10
Fee: Spring & Summer 1: $120, Summer 2: $80
Location: 17 Computer Drive East, #17A, Albany, NY 12205
To register: click on courses & classes or 944-0314
The Bradley Method of Natural Childbirth with Emily Marynczak, AAHCC
The Bradley Method is a complete course in childbirth education. This comprehensive class covers everything couples need to know to prepare for labor and delivery.
Time: Sunday, 9:30am
Date: Spring Series: 3/21/10—6/6/10
Time: Tuesday, 6:30pm
Date: Summer Series: 8/17/10—10/26/10
Fee: $350
To register: click on courses & classes
Growing With Yoga with Cathy Prescott, E-RYT
Spring Session: Tuesday, 4/6/10 – 5/11/10
Growing With Yoga for Children (2 & 3 year olds), 9:30-10:15am, fee $60
Growing With Yoga for Toddlers (9 months and younger crawlers to 2 years), 10:30-11:15am, fee $60
Growing With Yoga for Mom & Baby (babies 6 weeks to 9 months old, and not yet crawling), 11:30-12:30pm, fee $72
To Register:
The Art of Infant Massage with Kathleen Gates, LMT, CIMI
Course information includes the history, theory, technique, and benefits of massage therapy for infants and children. Caregivers will learn techniques for bonding and relaxation with their babies as well as how to vary massage strokes for growing toddlers and dealing with special needs such as colic, prematurity, physical challenges, intestinal difficulties, and so much more.
Time: Saturday, 10-11:15am
Date: 5/1/10—5/22/10
Fee: $84
To Register: click on courses & classes
Physical Therapy with Debra Goodman, MSPT
Debra has a background in sports medicine, dance medicine, orthopedics, and women’s health.
Physical therapy is beneficial for the following issues:
Back pain, Neck pain, Pelvic/Hip pain, Sciatica, Wrist/Hand pain, Shoulder pain, Foot/Ankle pain, C-section recovery, Abdominal muscle recovery, Scar tissue problems, Vaginal Pain, Muscle weakness, Sports injuries, Posture education, & Body mechanics education
A one hour PT session typically includes manual therapy (massage, joint mobility techniques, & myofascial release) and specific guided exercise instruction. MEN are WELCOME to come and get treated!
Visit or call (518) 944-0314 for more information.